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Why Implementation?

Get it done, make it work, make it useable and reliable and make it robust. This is what all customers want.  

You want change, but somebody has to take care of business-as-usual. Few teams have spare capacity.


Unlocking Value

Change programmes fail 80% of the time.

A small investment in our Implementation service, designed to significantly improve the chances of success (or avoid unnecessary waste) is good value.


What approach should you take to Implementation?

​Find a compatible partner – and for the long term. Unless you are really well resourced with experts and spare capacity, the only way to implement is via specialist services.


Let Off Road Legal assist with your Implementation

Implementation is not the same as 'project management'. We use our Change and Transformation Governance framework to assure that all the conditions for success are accounted for. We can thoroughly ‘scenario plan’ the potential implementation, identify conditions for success, organise resources and govern the process from beginning to end in a transparent and disciplined fashion.


First Steps to accelerating your Implementation

​Talk to your peers about implementation. Discuss the good and bad and chose your partners accordingly.


Next Steps

Contact us to book a discovery call to discuss your implementation needs.


You can read examples of our Implementation approach in our Case Studies here.



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